Lance Armstrong fires back at the ESPN anchor who suggested motorists should run cyclists off the road. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
There he goes again! ESPN anchor and radio personality Tony Kornheiser stunned listeners of his radio show after he suggested they run down bicyclists of a proposed bike lane running through Washington D.C.
"I swear to you! It's all you can do to not run them down!" said Kornheiser on his radio show. He continued saying, "Like Wile E. Coyote. Just run 'em over. Get the hell out of my way! Am I wrong in this?"
His comments have outraged the world's most famous cyclist, Lance Armstrong, who railed against Kornheiser on his Twitter page.
"Disgusting, ignorant, foolish. What a complete (bleep) idiot," tweeted Armstrong.
Just three weeks ago Kornheiser was suspended for crude comments he made about ESPN anchor Hannah Storm's wardrobe, saying, "She's got on her typically very, very tight shirt. So, she looks like she's got sausage casing wrapped around her upper body."
Kornheiser later apologized. And now he's saying "I'm sorry" to Armstrong, who accepted the apology Friday morning on Kornheiser's radio show.
"For myself and all the people that get on bikes, we appreciate your apology. I heard it in your voice that you, that you did not mean this, obviously," said Armstrong.
"These rants are over, believe me," said Kornheiser.