In one of the wealthiest towns in America, a funeral takes place for a woman who was murdered and her husband has become the focus of the police's investigation. INSIDE EDITION reports.
There was a funeral service for a mother of two brutally murdered in one of the wealthiest towns in America.
And among the mourners, the man who has become the focus of the police investigation is the victim's prominent husband who is former president of the local Rotary Club.
54-year-old Bob Bashara of Grosse Pointe, Michigan says he came home to find his wife, Jane missing.
"I have no clue. I have no idea what happened," said Bashara.
Jane's battered body was found the next day in her $50,000 Mercedes SUV, which had been abandoned in an alley in Detroit, eight miles away. She had been strangled.
Bashara said, "I'm doing what I need to do to cooperate with the authorities to find who did this to my wife."
But Bashara is reported to have failed a police polygraph test.
Investigators say they have uncovered evidence that Jane Bashara was murdered at her home, then driven to the alley and dumped, and that the killer had an accomplice.
Police say Bashara, whose father was an appeals court judge and law school president, was leading a secret life.
He reportedly has a girlfriend who works at Wayne State University and has mounting financial troubles, owing $18,000 in back property taxes.
The murder has put the town of Grosse Pointe Park on edge. It's the first homicide there in 20 years.
So far Bashara's two children and even his dead wife's sister are saying it's hard to believe he would be involved.
"I hope to God Bob didn't have anything to do with it, but I'll tell you one thing, I want to know what happened to my sister," says Jane's sister.