INSIDE EDITION speaks to both Dennis McGee, father of Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, and best friend Lindsay Sinai about McGee's relationship with Jesse James.
"She did say she was going out with Jesse James," says Dennis McGee.
The father of Michelle "Bombshell" McGee is springing to the defense of his scandal-scarred daughter.
"I said, 'I thought he was with Sandra Bullock?' and she said they're living apart or estranged and they sort of do their own thing. Basically she was a single person thinking she was dating another single person."
McGee showed INSIDE EDITION photos of his daughter when she was growing up outside Cleveland, Ohio.
Who could have imagined that the cute little girl would grow up to be the other woman in Sandra Bullock's marriage crisis, a tattooed model who posed for an infamous photo wearing a Nazi-style uniform?
A photo has also surfaced showing the words "Go White Power" spelled out in magnets on the refrigerator at McGee's home in San Diego.
And INSIDE EDITION has seen a photo of a Nazi swastika that McGee has tattooed right above an intimate part of her body.
McGee lived in San Diego with her best friend, Lindsay Sinai. They share a love of tattoos.
Sinai says she and McGee had nothing to do with the hateful display and that two friends spelled out the phrase "Go White Power" on the refrigerator while she and McGee were out.
The roommate told INSIDE EDITION that even McGee is expressing sympathy for Sandra Bullock in the wake of the scandal.
"She said that Sandy deserved better," Sinai tells INSIDE EDITION.
While most of America was touched by Sandra Bullock's affectionate scene with her husband at the Oscars®, McGee was apparently horrified at James's lovey-dovey demeanor that night as she watched the ceremony on TV.
"When she was watching the Oscars® she was really upset. I received a text message from her saying how awful that was of him, he seemed so sincere, teary-eyed in the audience for his wife, meanwhile he's cheating on her."
Sinai says that caused friction in the relationship.
"At one point [James] was going away, and so jokingly [McGee] said, 'Bring me something back.' He's like, 'You want me to bring you something back?' She's like, 'Yeah, of course.' He brought her back a T-shirt. She was a little upset about it and ended up throwing it away. She was like, 'I can't believe this is what he got me!' " she says.
But she did tell INSIDE EDITION that the "W" and "P" tattoos on McGee's legs stand for "White Pride." As for those swastika photos and tattoo, the roommate denies that McGee is a Nazi sympathizer.
Watch a video of INSIDE EDITION's interview with Lindsay Sinai