Rachael Ray, Gwyneth Paltrow and other celebs are speaking out against claims that they use ghostwriters for their cookbooks, saying they write them themselves. INSIDE EDITION.
Gwyneth Paltrow vigorously defended her honor on the Rachael Ray Show.
"This is my book and I wrote my book. It's all mine," said Paltrow. "Normally, I don't respond to gossip, but this is my professional life."
Both Paltrow and Ray are hitting back at a recent New York Times article that suggested ghostwriters helped write their best-selling cookbooks.
Rachael Ray showed off the notebooks she says she uses to write all her recipes down by hand.
"I do not use ghostwriters. This is how I write my books," said Ray, showing her hand-written notebooks. "I really do take the time to sit down every waking day of my life and write the meals that I'm sharing with you."
The Times also claims that Martha Stewart, Paula Deen and Bobby Flay all use ghostwriters to produce the thousands of recipes for their shows, books and magazines.
"How do they do it?" the Times asks. "The answer: they don't!"
Bobby Flay shot back on the Today show.
"I want the consumer to make sure that they understand that they are getting the chef's recipes. It's just, we have collaborators who make it look really nice and pretty in terms of what it looks like on the page," said Flay.
But The New York Times isn't backing down, claiming it takes a staff of food stylists, assistants and editors to publish a cookbook.
Paltrow says she had the help of an assistant, but that the recipes are all hers.
"I wrote every single word of my book. It's all from me. The recipes are mine," stated Paltrow.