New evidence is emerging in the wake of the video showing George Zimmerman in police custody. INSIDE EDITION spoke with experts to take a deeper look.
New evidence has emerged from the video showing George Zimmerman in police custody.
The video has been enhanced by independent experts for Good Morning America and it showed what appear to be gashes or scrapes on the back of his head.
This could support Zimmerman's claim that he was acting in self-defense when he shot Trayvon Martin to death.
Martin's family has claimed the video shows no visible injuries.
Meanwhile, in the background of a call made by someone calling 911, you can hear someone screaming. Just who was it?
Dispatcher: "So, you think he's yelling, 'Help'?' "
Caller: "Yes."
Using computer software, audio expert Tom Owen compared the screams with Zimmerman's voice on his 911 call.
But he concludes it's not George Zimmerman screaming and therefore it must be Martin. If it is Martin yelling "Help" that would weaken Zimmerman's self-defense claim.
"I am confident to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty that it is not George Zimmerman," Owen told INSIDE EDITION.
Meanwhile, Geraldo Rivera apologized to Trayvon Martin's parents.
"I want to personally convey my deepest apologies to both of you," said Rivera.
Rivera apologized for saying the hoodie Martin was wearing when he was shot had made him a target.
"The hoodie Trayon Martin was wearing is as much to blame for his death as George Zimmerman is," said Rivera on Fox News two-weeks ago.
Martin's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, appeared on Rivera's Fox News channel show on Sunday.
"I am sorry if anything I said added to your misery," said Rivera.
Martin's father said, "Thank you for the apology. Your apology is accepted"