As the world got a glimpse of James Holmes in court on Monday, INSIDE EDITION is learning more about the killer who terrorized a Colorado movie theater.
In court Monday, James Holmes appeared out of it, sedated, barely able to follow what was happening.
A stark contrast to when Holmes was at a summer science camp when he was 18. In a home video, obtained by ABC News, he's bright eyed and nervous, but eager to make a good impression.
Holmes is introduced in the video by a moderator that said, "He enjoys playing soccer and strategy games and his dream is to own a Slurpee machine."
Holmes appeared to have been on a downhill slide into madness in the weeks leading up to the massacre.
On July 5, he posted a profile on an adult dating site, In his online photo he has bizarrely dyed red-orange hair - similar to way it appeared in court Monday.
He wrote that he was "looking for a fling or a casual sex gal." He ominously posted, "Will you visit me in prison?"
He also tried to get a date on, saying of himself: "The first things people usually notice about me are my soul penetrating eyes."
His pastor remembers a bright, energetic hard-working student. The pastor said, "This is so absurd, so out of character. He had some goals."
Criminal profiler Pat Brown said she believes Holmes was obsessed with violent fantasies.
Brown said, "He was acting out a fantasy and his fantasy was to take revenge on the world, to be the worst guy possible, kill as many people as possible, and to go down in history as the biggest anti-hero he could possibly achieve."
He identified with the character of the Joker, as portrayed by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.
The Joker brought chaos to Gotham City by planting booby trap bombs, just like Holmes did at his apartment in Aurora, Colorado.
"He's looking at violent movies, he's looking at violent video games, he's looking at fantasy games, putting it all together so he can now get back at society and have his day in the sun" said Brown.