A prominent doctor was arrested on alleged peeping tom charges. INSIDE EDITION looks at this case and other peeping tom incidents.
An innocent-looking pen has landed a prominent surgeon in hot water on peeping tom charges.
Cops say Dr. Adam Levinson, an assistant professor at a top hospital in New York, used a secret spycam pen to shoot video up women's dresses in city subways. Close up, the pen's tiny lens can be seen by the clip.
Most people would not have even noticed what the doctor was allegedly up to, and it comes as a warning to women everywhere. Cops say he hid the pen camera rolled up in a newspaper and aimed it at his unsuspecting targets.
Police say another passenger spotted Levinson shooting up women's skirts and called police. The doctor has been charged with unlawful surveillance.
His arrest comes just days after a more blatant incident was caught on camera. Surveillance video shows a man at a gas station near Houston taking pictures up the skirt of an unsuspecting customer.
The 39-year-old doctor was busted at a subway station in Manhattan's Union Square—the same place that Lisa Guerrero and our I-Squad investigative team last year found was a hotbed of peepers with cameras.
We sent an undercover team from INSIDE EDITION to see what women experience when they spend time in the park. To make sure they weren't exposed, they all wore gym shorts underneath their skirts.
But what the peepers wouldn't know, is that while they were watching the women, we would also be watching them. With a camera set up across the street, one off to the side, and one behind them. And each woman had a hidden camera in her purse.
One man walked up with his digital camera. When our researcher lowered her head for a moment, he quickly started snapping photos.
We saw one guy taking pictures of women. He walked right in front of our women and took more photos. Then he walked over to another woman in a skirt and snapped away.
A producer from INSIDE EDITION was standing right behind him, and once he verified there are inappropriate photos in the viewfinder, we moved in.
"Why are you shooting shooting pictures up women's skirts?" asked our producer.
"I'm not," said the man.
"We saw you taking pictures of women," said the man as he went out of the park, fleeing as fast as his legs would take him.