INSIDE EDITION meets a woman who has over 500 dolls aren't exactly cute and lovable. Her dolls were inspired by horror films, demons and zombies.
It's a doll collection that might have some people running for the hills—more than 500 dolls, each one scarier than the next.
Marilyn Mansfield of New York City, has spent tens of thousands of dollars on the uniquely horrifying collection over the last 10 years. She takes care of them like they were her children.
"I love them. They are part of the family," she told INSIDE EDITION.
Luckily everyone in the house, her husband and two children are also into the collection. Can you imagine how hard it would be to wake up here if you weren't?
For more on Mansfield, please visit her website by clicking here.
For more on the dolls and Mansfield, watch our video here.