Michelle "Bombshell" McGee is speaking out against those reports that she is a white supremacist and a neo-Nazi, and she reveals the truth behind those swastika tattoo rumors. INSIDE EDITION has the exclusive story.
"I am not a Nazi," says Michelle "Bombshell" McGee. She's finally speaking out about the uproar caused by the now-infamous photo of her posing in a Nazi officer's cap and swastika armband.
"I do want to apologize to anyone that I've offended with that picture," she says. "It's—I am very sorry."
Ever since she came forward as the other woman in Jesse James's sex scandal, McGee has been accused of being a Nazi sympathizer.
Apart from the photo, it was reported that McGee had a swastika tattoo on an intimate part of her body, and then there are those "W" and "P" tattoos on her legs.
"What does that stand for?" asks INSIDE EDITION's Lisa Guerrero.
"At the time it stood for 'white pride,' " McGee reveals.
32-year-old McGee puts the hateful tattoos down to the folly of youth.
"It was something I did when I was dumb and stupid. I am not a racist, I don't have those views. At one point I went through a rebellious time in my life, hanging out with a bad group of kids in my teens and unfortunately I put things on my body that I don't believe in anymore."
"Like what?" Guerrero asks.
"Like the swastika tattoo supposedly that I have."
"Well, do you have a swastika tattoo or not?" asks Guerrero.
"I had a swastika tattoo many years ago that I've had covered up with another tattoo," McGee says.
"You're talking about one of the most vile symbols in the history of the world and you tattooed a swastika onto your body?" says Guerrero.
"It was very stupid," she says. "It was 15 years ago when I did these things and it's caused a lot of hurt and pain on people and I apologize for offending anybody."
"This picture was not taken 15 years ago," says Guerrero.
"No it wasn't," admits McGee.
"So if you say that your views have changed in the last 15 years, how do you put this on?" Guerrero asks.
McGee says, "That actually was the photographer's costume."
"You put it on," Guerrero points out.
"Yes I did, after I was convinced by the photographer that many other girls have taken pictures in this costume. He convinced me that it was a good idea to do it. In hindsight, [it was] not a smart idea at all."
Guerrero also asked McGee her reaction to the alarming photo of Jesse James wearing a Nazi officer's hat and performing the Nazi salute.
"I was actually shocked by it. I had never seen anything like that before. Jesse never expressed to me, never talked about racial views, or white supremacy, or Nazi things," McGee tells Guerrero.
And Guerrero asked McGee, a mother of two, how block letter magnets on her fridge came to be arranged to read "Go white power."
The photo of the magnets was taken in the San Diego house she was living in before the Sandra Bullock scandal erupted.
McGee says, "I did not do that, those were my husband's friends that came over and thought it would be funny to put the blocks like that on the refrigerator. They took a picture and then gave it to my ex-husband. I wasn't even there at the time."
Guerrero raised the subject of other women who, like McGee, have been involved in recent sex scandals, like Tiger Woods's many mistresses, and John Edwards's lover Rielle Hunter.
"Michelle, you are one of a long string of mistresses that have been in the media in the last few months. You're bringing down careers, you're breaking up marriages. What's your response to the rest of the country?"
"I want to say to the rest of the country, 'Stop taking it out on the mistresses and start taking it out on the men who are cheating on their wives,' " she says. "Why are these men getting off scot free while the mistresses are considered whores, and we're stepped on and we're booed and we're called nasty names?"
She adds, "I think the man needs to take responsibility for it."
"You don't think women are targeting famous men? You don't think women like you target famous men?" Guerrero asks her.
"I can say me personally, no I do not target famous men. What other women do, I can't say anything for them. But it's the man's responsibility, they're the ones in the marriage, they need to keep their vows. It's very easy to say, 'You know what I'm a married man.' They can easily walk away," McGee says.