Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Convention remains a hot topic on the campaign trail, and the tough guy legend says he has no regrets. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
Clint Eastwood is now speaking out about that now famous interview with an empty chair.
The legendary actor is not at all apologetic about the impromptu performance at the Republican National Convention that sparked so much controversy.
"There is something about the aging process that makes you give a crap less," said Eastwood.
In an interview on Good Morning America today, Eastwood was asked whether he thought his speech upstaged Mitt Romney's.
"I did not mean to upstage anybody," said Eastwood.
He confirmed previous reports that the idea of interviewing President Obama in that empty chair came to him, spur of the moment.
Not surprisingly, the season premiere of Saturday Night Live had fun with Eastwood, poking fun at his speech.
Reports today suggest there's not much laughter taking place inside the Romney campaign.
An article on the website says "The blame game is already under way."
Meanwhile, Fox and Friends was pranked this morning by a knucklehead who went on the air claiming to support Romney after voting for Obama in 2008.
Host Gretchen Carlson quickly shut down the interview. INSIDE EDITION has learned that the jokster is a wanna-be standup comic named Maxwell Rice from Chicago.
All this comes as the Romney campaign makes an effort to make the candidate more relateable. He and Ann Romney appear Tuesday on Live With Kelly and Michael.
Michael Strahan asked "This is the most serious question of all. Honey Boo Boo or Snookie?"
"I'm kind of a Snookie fan," said Romney.