Nation Joins Forces to Raise Money for Hurricane Sandy Victims

The nation is coming together to help and support the millions of Americans in the path of Hurricane Sandy’s destruction. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Barbara Walters is donating $250,000 to Hurricane Sandy relief, and she inspired George Stephanopoulos to dig deep too.

"I am not in your league but count me in for $50,000," he said.

A who's who of stars manned the phones for the ABC hurricane appeal which kicked off on Good Morning America.

Ben Stiller, Tony Danza, even Snooki was on hand to take calls. Good Morning America host Robin Roberts took time out of her recovery from a bone marrow transplant  to make a surprise appeal.

"Please give whatever you can, any amount," Roberts said.

X-Factor host Simon Cowell gave $25,000 to an appeal organized by the New York Daily News.Chelsea Handler, a New Jersey native is donating $100,000 to the Red Cross.

CBS is also donating to the Red Cross, $1 million.

We are getting the final tally from Friday night's NBC telethon which featured Christina Aguilera, Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and many more. They raised $23 million in donations.

All along the storm ravaged East Coast, folks are coming together to help their neighbors and friends in dire need. Little kids held sidewalk bake-sales.

The New York City Marathon may have been cancelled, but runners filled backpacks with food and supplies and headed on foot to hard hit Staten Island, where thousands are still suffering in the cold and dark.

It was an emotional scene as the New York Giants took on the Pittsburgh Steelers.  A giant American flag held up by the players, fans, and first responders covered the field as the National Anthem played; a tribute to the resiliance of all who were devastated by Hurricane Sandy.