The clock is ticking down the final hours before the polls open and President Obama and Mitt Romney criss-cross swing states in their last push for votes. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.
It's down to the wire and the candidates are working frantically to rally the faithful and sway the undecided.
Bruce Springsteen introduced the president at a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, and gave him a huge hug.
A-list Obama supporter Katy Perry wore a skin-tight rubber dress with the Obama slogan "Forward" at a concert in Milwaukee.
Mitt Romney was scheduled to make stops in four states Monday, including the crucial battleground state of Ohio.
Emotions are running high. One furious protester had to be pried from his seat by four burly cops at an Obama rally in Cincinnati.
Saturday Night Live spoofed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Romney supporter who has praised the president for his response to Hurricane Sandy.
Cast member Bobby Moynihan playing Chris Christie said, "I'm voting for Mitt Romney, but if I had to pick one guy to have my back in a crisis, it would be Barack Obama."
The outcome of the election is anyone's guess. The latest polls make the Ohio race a virtual dead heat, putting Obama at 50 percent and Romney at 49 percent.
INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent sat down with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, and he told Trent he knows it will be a close race.
Trent asked, "Are you surprised that the race is as close as it is?"
"No, I'm not not surprised at all. We've been saying this for a year. We knew it was going to be close, but we still feel confident," said Biden.
If Obama loses, there are reports that the first lady could beome a big TV star with her own talk show, a la Oprah.