The TV networks covered every angle of the election and INSIDE EDITION looks at what happened on screen and off.
There was election night drama on Fox News. The network called the election for the president, but Karl Rove objected. He cautioned it was still too close to call.
Rove was asked, "Do you believe Ohio is settled?"
"No, I don't," he replied.
Rove simply refused to concede that Mitt Romney had gone down in defeat.
"We've got to be careful about calling this when we have 991 votes separating the candidates," said Rove.
The awkward showdown on live TV forced Megyn Kelly to leave the anchor desk and personally confront Fox News number crunchers. She strode out of the studio in her high heels along the corridors and through the newsroom.
"They're waay down the hall," said Kelly as she went into the conference room where the experts were analyzing the results.
"We're comfortable with the call," reported one analyst.
But Karl Rove was still not convinced.
"It seems to me that you have a lot of votes have yet to be cast," said Rove.
The networks started calling it for Obama at 11:12 p.m. It was sooner than most had predicted given how tight the race was.
CBS Senior News Correspondent Anthony Mason told INSIDE EDITION, "Basically what happens is, our election desk looks at not just the votes that come in, they look at all the key precincts. They look at what our exit polls are saying, and they factor all that in. Also, past trends, and they say, 'Here's what's still outstanding, here's what we know. Based on history, we can say this.' "
On MSNBC Chris Matthews probably wished for a do-over for blurting out, "I'm so glad we had that storm last week."
Yes, Matthews actuallyl said he was happy about Hurricane Sandy.
Later he tweeted: "Obviously, I wasn't talking about the horror of the storm. I was thrilled at the cooperation between the president and state officials that made the country proud."
INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret joined Larry King for an election night special on his nightly talk show Larry King Now that streams on Hulu's
King said, "I'm kind of like a pioneer in this and now I'm doing talk on the internet. What's next?"