More revelations are surfacing on whistleblower Jill Kelley, including her claim of diplomatic immunity on a 911 call, and being known to some as a social climber. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
Disturbing questions are being raised today about the woman who blew the whistle on the sex scandal that brought down General Petraeus.
Jill Kelley has been banned from the Air Force base near her Tampa home where she was once treated like a VIP. And police released a bizarre 911 call made by Kelley, complaining about reporters on her property. Amazingly, she claims diplomatic immunity.
Jill Kelley: "He walked in as soon as we pulled up and he won't leave."
911 Operator: "Ok, we'll get an officer out there, Jill."
Jill Kelley: "Thank you and you know, I'm an honorary Consul-General, so I have inviolability. So, they should not be able to cross my property. I don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved."
The nonsensical claim of diplomatic privileges stems from her title of Honorary Consul. It's even on her license plate.
Former CIA operative Bob Baer says Jill Kelley seems like a loose cannon who should never have been able to get close to a four star general.
Baer told INSIDE EDITION, "Listening to that phone call, she sounds a little wacky to me."
INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd asked, "How did Jill Kelley get so close to these high-ranking military officials?"
"The question is, why did she want to be so close to the most powerful military men in this country? Was it social or was it something more nefarious? And that is why the FBI is all over this," said Baer.
Jill Kelley and her twin sister, Natalie, set out to become society hostesses in Tampa, throwing lavish parties at Jill's sprawling waterfront mansion with guests like General Petraeus and others from MacDill Air Force base, command center for the war in Afghanistan.
Jill and Natalie also liked the spotlight. Some compare them to the Kardashian sisters. They even appeared together in 2003 on a Food Network show, Food Fight. In the show, Jill said, "We want to go up against guys because it's nice to exploit their weakness."
We've learned that Jill Kelley used her high-powered military connections to get permission to jump with the U.S. Special Operations parachute team, but her haughty attitude didn't make a good impression.
Micheal Daly from The Daily Beast told INSIDE EDITION, "Afterwards, the team leader said, 'If you ever send that woman anywhere near us again...' Apparently, she was not a big hit with the team."