The young actor from Two-And-a-Half Men is apologizing for slamming his own show, calling it "filth." INSIDE EDITION has the latest.
It's the woman who plays Angus T. Jones' grandmother on the hit show Two-And-a-Half Men, coming to his defense.
"Angus is a very lovely young man. I admire him and I like him and he's finding his way," said Taylor.
While hiking in Los Angeles early today, Holland Taylor had nothing but good things to say about the 19-year-old actor. And as for Jones' claim that the show is filth, Taylor said, "Oh please!"
In a stunning turn-around, actor Angus T. Jones is apologizing for those shocking things he said about his hit TV show, Two and a Half Men.
In a video, Jones said, "If you watch Two-and-a-Half Men, please stop watching Two-and-a-Half Men. I'm on Two-and-a-Half Men and I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth."
Those remarks triggered a worldwide uproar. But now, the 19-year-old actor says in a statement: "I apologize if my remarks reflect me showing indifference to and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which I have been blessed."
Charlie Sheen, who was fired by the show last year after his famous meltdown, weighed in with a tongue-in-cheek opinion about his former co-star, saying: "With Angus' Hale-Bopp like meltdown, it is radically clear to me that the show is cursed." (Source: People magazine)
Sheen's replacement, Ashton Kutcher, ignored questions about the way his co-star trashed their hit show as he made his way to an L.A. Lakers basketball game.
Jones' video is the talk of the entertainment industry. Rainn Wilson of The Office made a video spoof, saying, "Please don't watch The Office. I'm on The Office and it's filth."
And Whoopi Goldberg on The View said in a taped segment on the show, "If you're watching The View right now, I want you to stop watching it. Because this is filth, this show."
At least one actor isn't laughing at the religious beliefs expressed by Angus T. Jones. Alec Baldwin's kid brother, Stephen Baldwin is a born-again Christian and spoke to INSIDE EDITION's Paul Boyd.
Baldwin said, "I think it was wise of him to apologize."
Boyd asked, "What do you see when you watch this video of Angus?"
"I see a young guy who obviously, now, is coming into his own self. He's searching. He now has connected to something that he feels very passionately is something he wants to continue pursuing," said Baldwin.
Boyd asked, "Is there some hypocrisy here? That he continues to cash the checks that he's being paid, while speaking out against the show that has treated him so well all these years?"
"That's the tough part of the conversation. No, I don't think...listen, he's under contract. He's got to fulfill the contract," said Baldwin.
Meanwhile, we're learning more about Christopher Hudson, the controversial pastor who appears in that video with Jones and has become the actor's spiritual mentor. Even though he's blasting the raunchy comedy on Two-and-a-Half Men, he told Good Morning America today that he's never even seen it, saying, "I've never watched Two-and-a-Half Men. That show is not teaching truth, it's teaching lies!"
So what's the future for Angus T. Jones? Only time will tell.