Controversy erupted at a press conference over NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre's remarks. Meanwhile, residents of Newtown, Connecticut, honor the fallen with a memorial one week after the shootings. INSIDE EDITION reports.
An angry protestor disrupted a National Rifle Association press conference on the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.
"NRA stop killing our children!" shouted the protestor.
And more chaos erupted minutes later when yet another protestor disrupted the event. She was also escorted out.
"The NRA has blood on its hands," shouted the protestor.
When order was restored, NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre called for an armed police presence in all schools.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," said LaPierre.
Reaction was decidedly mixed.
"The Nuts Come Out," says the Huffington Post.
The Daily Beast was more subdued: "NRA: Schools Need Armed Guards."
Earlier, bells tolled across America in a moment of profound national mourning. The tragedy took place one week ago, Friday. Bells rang at 9:30am, the time the first shots were fired.
The Governor of Connecticut asked for bells to toll 26 times, once for each victim, specifically excluding the gunman Adam Lanza and his mother Nancy Lanza. But some churches controversially rang bells 28 times.
The somber moment of grief was also observed in the White House as the president bowed his head in prayer.
And the president is responding to an online petition calling for tougher gun control. Already 200,000 signatures have been gathered.
"If there's even one thing we can do as a country to protect our children, we have a responsibility to try," said President Obama.
Meanwhile, the heart-wrenching task of laying the victims to rest continues today.
The parents of 7-year-old Grace McDonnell carried bouquets of pink and purple balloons from the church after the funeral, and later released them.
Funerals were also held for six-year-old Olivia Engel and Dylan Hockley. And two adults: school behavioral therapist Rachel D'Avino and school psychologist Mary Sherlach.
Twenty-five family members held a private memorial service for Nancy Lanza, mother of the gunman.
But the nation's thoughts today were with the childen and their teachers as bells tolled for each of these fallen angels.