The airwaves continue to buzz over the hot-button topic of gun control, and it's grown so heated that one program is being investigated by police. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
CNN host Piers Morgan is still taking heat for that furious attack on a gun advocate in the wake of the Newtown tragedy when he said, "You're an ubelievably stupid man, aren't you?"
On the "We the People" website, a petition pleading "Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for attacking the 2nd amendment" has gathered more than 70,000 signatures.
A "Keep Piers Morgan in the USA" petition on the same website has almost 1,000 signatures so far.
Elsewhere, police say they are investigating after NBC's David Gregory brandished a high-capacity magazine on Meet The Press.
He was interviewing NRA boss Wayne LaPierre about whether the magazines should be banned.
Gregory said to LaPierre, "And you're telling me that it's not a matter of common sense that if you don't have the ability to shoot off 30 rounds without reloading that, just possibly, you could reduce the loss of life?"
D.C. cops told INSIDE EDITION, "NBC contacted [police] inquiring if they could utilize a high-capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high-capacity magazine is not permissible and their request was denied. This matter is currently being investigated."