The video has gone viral of an 8-year-old boy being pranked by his mom into thinking he bought a Ford Mustang on eBay. INSIDE EDITION talks to the boy and his mom about learning a lesson the digital way.
A boy bursts into tears. He thinks he just bought a car on eBay.
“Why did you buy that $50,000 car on eBay?” asked his mom.
“I didn't!” replied eight-year-old Kenyon Papen.
“You did!” insisted his mother.
“I did! Oh, can we cancel it?” asked Papen
“It won't cancel it. You hit buy,” his mother tells him.
“Is that true? Did I?” asks Papen.
His mom tells him, “I'm afraid so”.
Little Papen is utterly devastated. He thinks his family will have to sell everything to pay for the car.
“We'll have to sell everything. I am horrible,” he exclaims on video to his mother.
“You're not horrible, baby. You made a mistake,” said his mother.
“Oh no”, he cries.
“What kind of car was it?”, asked his mother.
“It was a mustang,” he tells her. “I didn't mean to buy it”.
Only now does mom fess up, she was just kidding.
“Hey, bub! You didn't buy it!”, she tells him.
“What?” the confused 8-year-old asked.
“You didn't buy it!” she reassures him.
“Oh, thank gosh,” he said.
Paula Papen says her son was looking at cars on eBay, when he hit the bid button on a vintage Ford Mustang. Fortunately, the sale didn't go through.
Mom posted the video on YouTube, where it's becoming an overnight sensation. Of course, not everyone finds it funny.
INSIDE EDITION’S Diane McInerney talked to little Papen and his mother. “What do you make of the negative reaction?” She asked his mom, “They're saying you traumatized your son, and calling you a bad mom”.
Mrs. Papen replied by saying, “We let that stuff roll off our backs we were having fun!”.
“What do you think, Kenyon?,” asked McInerney.
“She is beautiful. I love you mom,” he replied.