In the midst of a heater gun control debate, the White House released a photo of President Obama skeet shooting, and the image may have backfired. INSIDE EDITION explains.
Despite a White House warning that the official photo of President Obama skeet shooting "may not be manipulated in any way," the picture has become red meat to pranksters everywhere.
A version portrays flowers coming out of the barrel, clown-style. A theme repeated in the "bang" sign and clown hat on the president's head and colorful underpants he wears in the image.
Another edited image takes the gun and reverses it.
Some experts are wondering whether the president was aiming a little low for a skeet shooter.
We asked skeet expert, John Herkowitz, of pacific sporting arms outside Los Angeles, to rate the president's technique.
Herkowitz said, “President Obama is a novice shooter. That’s pretty obvious from the photo. He’s standing up fairly straight. Heads on the gun, fairly properly. Cheek down on the gun, leaning forward into the gun a little bit, but he’s up a little bit too straight. If you did shoot that way for a long long time, it would probably be a bit painful in your shoulder.”
The debate over gun control was on everyone's minds last night when the Sandy Hook elementary school chorus sang "America the beautiful" with Jennifer Hudson at the Super bowl.
The children all wore green ribbons in memory of the victims at their school. Emotions ran high as the children sang.