Controversy swells over two different children's choirs that have been gaining attention since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
A touching moment as singing legend Elton John remembered the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre at Sunday’s Grammy awards.
Now, there's growing controversy over two rival children's choirs from Newtown, Connecticut.
This one is made up of entirely of Sandy Hook students, who memorably performed "America the Beautiful", with Jennifer Hudson at the Super Bowl.
The other choir is known as the Newtown children’s choir. It's made up of kids from Newtown, Connecticut. But it's unclear whether any of them attend Sandy Hook Elementary, seen as one of the worst school shootings in U.S. History.
This choir is coming under fire by the school superintendent who says it amounts to misrepresentation.
Janet Robinson, Superintendent of Newtown Public Schools said, “The chorus that sang from Sandy Hook at the Super Bowl is a chorus of Sandy Hook students led by their music teacher. I do not know for sure, who the other group is.”
The Newtown children's choir also sang the national anthem before a New York Knicks game and was scheduled to appear on the E! network's pre-Grammy show. But, the performance was cancelled at the last minute and an E! spokesperson said: "Unfortunately the snowstorm prevented the Newtown children's choir from being able to perform during our pre-Grammy coverage."
But the cancellation came after questions were raised about choir director, Sabrina Post. Back in 2005, she resigned from her job at Newtown high school after being accused of stealing $11,000 in bogus expense vouchers.
She denies any wrongdoing in organizing the Newtown children's choir, which has been raising donations for Sandy Hook on Amazon and iTunes.
Sabrina said, "Everything is done by the book."
Now two competing choirs are facing off in the court of public opinion. It's an unfortunate turn in a national tragedy.