Some are saying Michelle Obama's appearance on the Oscars was out of line for a first lady, but she's not the first resident of the White House to take part in the awards. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Did Michelle Obama overstep her role as first lady by appearing live at the Oscars®?
On The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly said, “No Nancy Reagan. No Barbara Bush. No Laura Bush, but there's Michelle Obama!”
Some are now crying foul over the first lady's jaw-dropping White House appearance with military escorts in the background.
On the Today show, Donny Deutsch and Star Jones spoke about the controversy.
Deutsch said, “I think three out of four Americans would tell you, I don't want a politician's wife on there at that point.”
Jones said, “I just want to know if Argo won. I could care less.”
Michelle's appearance led to an exchange between Bill O'Reilly and the Washington Post's Sally Quinn.
O'Reilly said, “It boosts up the Obama administration as this glamorous thing.”
Quinn said, “Well, it is, she is glamorous.”
O'Reilly said, “No she's not.”
On The View, guest host Brooke Shields saw no problem with the first lady appearing on the Oscar® telecast.
Shields, said “I thought it was refreshing to see that she is of the people, and that it’s exciting.”
Michelle has seemingly been everywhere lately. She was on Good Morning America Tuesday, cooking in the kitchen alongside co-host Robin Roberts.
Last week, she "mom danced" with late night host Jimmy Fallon. She also hosted Big Bird at the White House. And she spoke about her famous bangs on the Rachael Ray show.
All those appearances are aimed at pushing healthy lunches and fighting childhood obesity. But her Oscar® appearance didn't promote any of her important social causes.
Michelle's appearance live in a silvery gown from the White House became prime material for Jay Leno. He enjoyed poking fun at the unveiling of the winner of the Best Picture award at the Oscars®.