The Salahi's made a name for themselves when they crashed the Obama's first White House state dinner. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop on where they were during last night's state dinner.
They're the gate-crashers from last year's White House state dinner fiasco. Now, it's the Obama's second state dinner.
While all this was going on, guess where INSIDE EDITION found the notorious White House gate-crashers? Getting ready to go out again! But this time to a private dinner party and yes, they had an invite.
That's right! While Michelle Obama was putting on her gorgeous gown, Michaele Salahi slipped into her finest, a dazzling micro mini. The couple headed off, but this time it wasn't to the White House. Rather, it was a gathering at the Kellari Taverna restaurant with 20 or so of their closest friends. Then it was on to Buddha Bar.
The Salahi's say they are still stunned by the national fascination with their story.
Mrs. Salahi thought, "Is this really happening? And why?" She says the criticism was tough in the exclusive social circle they move in.
INSIDE EDITION asked how this experience has hurt her reputation. "I know who I am and that's what helped me get through all the name calling. Fame whore. And all that," Mrs. Salahi said.
The Salahi's wouldn't talk about the incident that made them infamous. But for one night, at least, while the state dinner was going on at the White House, the Salahis went to a party that they had actually been invited to.