Modern Family's Julie Bowen is making headlines after an appearance on Lopez Tonight. The actress caused controversy when she showed off a photo of herself breastfeeding her twin sons. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
It's the revealing photo that has the whole country blushing.
"They call that the double football hold George, you hold one here and one here, like this, like two footballs," Julie Bowen told Lopez Tonight host George Lopez.
During her interview, the Modern Family actress showed off a photo of herself breastfeeding her twin boys!
Bowen says breastfeeding helped her get her fabulous post-baby body back.
"They are like two little liposuction machines just on you, they suck it right on out!" she said.
The picture, which was snapped about a year ago, is now making headlines.
Believe it or not, the actress actually tried to show the breastfeeding photo on TV before, during an appearance on The View in 2009.
ABC wouldn't allow her to show the photo on the air.
A spokesperson for The View said, "The image showed too much nudity" for daytime network TV. Instead, Bowen got to demonstrate her double football hold with dolls!