Popular athletic wear company Lululemon faces controversy over reports that they shun plus-sized customers. INSIDE EDITION speaks to a former employee.
They're the trendiest workout clothes in America—clingy pants that help you look great while you sweat. But if what fits is a larger size, good luck shopping at Lululemon. The popular company is earning embarrassing headlines.
"Does Lululemon Hate Plus-Size Shoppers?" asks the Los Angeles Times.
"Shunning Plus-Size Shoppers Is Key To Lululemon's Strategy," says The Huffington Post.
Former Lululemon employee Elizabeth Licorish once sold their famous workout pants which can cost as much as $118.
"There was a lot of eye-rolling when plus-sized customers would come in," said Licorish.
They're displayed on walls in stores across the country. But Licorish says the walls only held up to a size 10.
Licorish told INSIDE EDITION, "Size 12's were actually stuffed inside a table that was used to fold all the other sized pants."
She says, the company's obsession with thinness also applies to employees.
"Nobody in the store was over a size six," said Licorish.
INSIDE EDITION caught up with Lululemon shoppers in New York City.
"There are women of all shapes and sizes who deserve to shop at the same place," said one shopper.
But Lululemon tells INSIDE EDITION, "We don't manage or merchandise our size 10s and 12s differently from any other sizes. [We] recognize fitness and health come in all shapes and sizes."
Licorish said, "I wish that they would get a reality check about fitness and what fitness looks like, because fitness doesn't always look like a size four."