People magazine reveals inspiring stories from people who have lost over 100 pounds. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
It's hard to beleive 24-year-old Lindsay Kimball once weighed 241 pounds.
Kimball said, "It was not out of the question to eat two medium pizzas in one sitting."
Now, she and other women are showing off their sexy bikini bodies in People magazine's issue "How They Lost 100 Pounds."
People magazine Senior Editor Michelle Tan told INSIDE EDITION, "There's no surgery, there is no gimmicks, there were no shortcuts in their journey."
Kimball, who lives in Virginia says her motivation to lose weight came from her boyfriend.
"He admitted to me that he wasn't as attracted to me anymore. It was a lot for him to say and a lot for me to handle."
That boyfriend is now her fiancé and she plans to keep the weight off for her wedding next year.
"When you start feeling the results and feeling that confidence again, it's amazing," said Kimball.