When a brides' wedding dress was stolen just hours before her wedding, she thought her big day was ruined...until she called 911. INSIDE EDITION has more on this amazing story.
The beautiful bride was wearing a very special wedding gown and the story behind it might renew your faith in humanity.
Her name is Amanda, and just hours before her wedding, disaster struck. Somebody broke into the trunk of her car outside her home in Kent, Washington and stole her wedding dress.
Amanda told Good Morning America, "It was actually from a cousin of mine so she was handing it down to me."
Amanda called 911. She was so upset, the operator could barely understand her.
Amanda: “I'm calling to report stuff stolen."
911 Operator: “I'm sorry, you said your truck was stolen?”
Amanda: “No! i'm trying to...my...(crying)...my wedding dress!"
911 Operator: "Are you getting married today?"
Amanda: “ Yeah...(crying)...who does that?"
Now, we've seen wedding dress disasters before. When Wisconsin woman, Elena Gatke's precious wedding dress was stolen from her storage locker, she didn't take it lying down.
Gatke said, "All I could think was, I'm going to catch the little punks that did this!"
She found her stolen wedding dress for sale on Craigslist and worked with cops to set up a sting operation to buy the dress back from the thief who'd swiped it.
But back to Amanda’s wedding dress crisis and that 911 call, which suddenly took an odd turn when the operator asked: “What size is the dress?"
Amanda: "Like a 1 or a 3."
Why would the operator ask such a question? Because the operator, a woman named Candice who wore her a gown a year-and-a-half ago on her wedding day, told Good Morning America she thought it would fit Amanda just right.
Candice said, “So I’m thinking, I have a dress! Maybe it'll work with her."
That’s right, the big-hearted 911 operator lent her wedding dress to the bride in distress, just in time for the happy wedding.
After the joyous ceremony, Amanda went to personally thank Candice, a 911 operator who truly came through in an emergency.