Cops are coming under fire after they gave basketball star LeBron James special treatment with a police escort to a concert. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.
Basketball superstar LeBron James was boasting about a police escort taking him the wrong way down a one-way street, just so he could to get to a concert on time. He said, “Police escort on the wrong side of the street. Headed to the big homie concert – JT.”
He posted a video online and tweeted about his special treatment: “They treat us so well! Needed it cause traffic was nuts!!”
'King James' got the royal treatment because he was late for a Justin Timberlake and Jay Z concert at Miami’s Sun Life Stadium. He shot a video of Timberlake’s performance.
Now, those cops are taking heat. A police spokesman said: "The department has identified these actions as a violation of departmental policy. The Miami-Dade Police Department will continue to look into the matter."
Former detective Steve Kardian told INSIDE EDITION, "This did not appear to be a public safety issue. These types of escorts are done for VIP's, dignitaries, celebrities. It is not an appropriate use of tax payer money, but LeBron James should have just enjoyed the ride and kept his mouth shut."
Turns out celebrities are often given police escorts to private events.
In 2011, Washington, D.C., police escorted Charlie Sheen from Dulles International Airport 30 miles to downtown Washington for a personal appearance. He boasted about running red lights with a jab at his ex-wife Brooke Mueller when he said, “We ran more red lights than Brooke Mueller going to the pawn shop.”
There was uproar in 2008 over a 100-yard-long police escort for Britney Spears when she checked into an Los Angeles psych ward. It included a dozen motorcycles, two cruisers, and two helicopters.
Last year New Jersey State Troopers escorted a convoy of millionaires driving their high performance sports cars to Atlantic City at speeds in excess of 100 miles-an-hour.
And now, LeBron James gets to enjoy life in the fast lane with a police escort.