Dr. Oz became a real-life hero outside his TV studio in New York when a taxi accidentally ran into a crowd of people. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
A breathless Dr. Oz spoke just moments after responding to a real-life emergency in New York City right outside his TV studio.
Dr. Oz said, "I don't know how the cab lost control, but this woman was devastated."
It was total mayhem as a runaway taxicab accidentally jumped a curb and plowed into a crowd of people near Rockefeller Center Tuesday, severing the foot of a young British tourist.
Within moments of the disaster, Good Samaratins, including Dr. Oz rushed to the woman's aid. They all helped put the life-saving tourniquet on the woman's leg to prevent her from bleeding to death.
"They had the belt on. We were just trying to tighten it up to make sure that we could stop the bleeding," said Dr. Oz.
Max Crespo was another Good Samaritan on the scene. Crespo told INSIDE EDITION, "All of a sudden, this guy comes and he starts asking questions, and 'Oh! It's Dr. Oz!' And then, Dr. Oz started asking her vital questions--'Are you allergic to anything?' Stuff that doctors do."
The tourist who lost her left foot and suffered a severly mangled right leg is described as a woman in her twenties, on her first trip to New York City. She'd been eating a hot dog when the cab went out of control and slammed into her.
A hot dog vendor put the severed foot in a bucket of ice, and the woman was rushed to a local hospital.
And believe it or not, this was the second time in less than a week that Dr. Oz has come to the rescue.
He'd just finished running a five-kilometer race in Salt Lake City last Saturday when one of his fellow finishers collapsed and stopped breathing. Dr. Oz, wearing a red cape like Superman administered oxygen and intravenous fluids on the scene. The runner appeared to have suffered from heat stroke, and Dr. Oz later went to check on him at the hospital.
And now, this latest heroic deed by the popular TV doctor.