Veronica Noone worked hard to lose weight on her own, only to find her images were used without her knowledge for a diet pill. INSIDE EDITION speaks to the outraged mom.
She's an adorable mom who's fought hard to lose the baby weight.
Veronica Noone lost 70 pounds the old-fashioned way, by eating right and lots of exercise. She chronicled it all on her personal blog.
"No one was reading it in the beginning. My mom and a frriend would comment now and then," said Noone.
Noone diligently posted a photo of herself every month to document her year-long transformation into her old self again. So, she was shocked when she discovered her photos were being used to sell natural Garcinia Cambogia diet supplements.
Not only were the ad claims phony, the magazine website it appeared on was made up too—Womens Fitness USA doesn't even exist.
Noone told INSIDE EDITION, "Being that, what I do is share my opinions on weight loss and try to inspire people to lose weight, that my brand and my image would be associated with something that iIdon't stand for, or believe in, in the least bit."
The diet pill company did change Noone's name.
"You can see here is where they call me Jess," said Noone.
But it's definitely her before-and-after photos in the ad, which claimed that by using their diet pill, she lost all that weight, not in one year, but in just 30 days.
Noone explained, "This is the Day 1 photo that they stole. This was the supposedly Day 30 photo, which was exactly a year from the first one."
They even attributed a false quote to her: "I couldn't believe how easy it was. I didn't change my diet or my daily routine, but the fat melted off like butter. I love this stuff!"
This isn't an isolated case. Even Dr. Oz has fallen victim, telling his viewers about an incident where his image was used to promote a product.
Earlier this year when that happened, Dr. Oz told INSIDE EDTION, "It strips at the very core of who I am, to see these ads going out there and to see unsuspecting viewers taken advantage of."
Noone says after she complained she managed to get the ad pulled, but her picture keeps popping up on other diet pill sites.
"A lot of these companies kind of fudge the photos or they can use different lighting or makeup, but I didn't think we even really realize they blatantly steal them, and that makes it scary," said Noone.