In an interview with Good Morning America, Shellie Zimmerman spoke out about her marriage and expressed sympathy to the parents of Trayvon Martin. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Is George Zimmerman's marriage on the skids?
It sure seems that way after his wife gave an interview to Good Morning America on Thursday, in which she was asked if she and her husband are still together.
Shellie Zimmerman said, "I'm not going to answer that. Of course I want to have children and stay married.”
Christi O'Connor asked, "With George?"
She replied, "That's something I’m going to have to think about."
In fact, Shellie said the night her husband was arrested for killing Trayvon Martin, she wasn't even around, thanks to a domestic dispute.
She said, "I was staying at my father's house. We had gotten into an argument the night before and I left."
The interview came right after Shellie Zimmerman, a 26-year-old nursing student, copped a plea on a perjury charge. She admitted she lied under oath at a bail hearing for her husband last April, when she claimed that they were broke.
She said, "I can rationalize a lot of reasons for why I was misleading, but the truth is, I knew that I was lying."
Adding to suspicions that the Zimmerman marriage is in trouble, George was not in court for his wife's plea.
"I always want my husband's support," Shellie said.
Ever since her husband's arrest, Shellie Zimmerman said they have been living in fear.
She said, "We have been pretty much gypsies for the past year-and-a-half. We lived in a 20-foot trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone was going to find us and that it would be horrific."
And she expressed sympathy for Trayvon's parents.
"I’m so deeply sorry for their loss. I can't even begin to understand the grief that a parent experiences when they lose a child," said Shellie.