While on his way to work as a new professor at the City University of New York, former CIA Director David Petraeus was booed and heckled. Now, there is growing outrage at the protesters. INSIDE EDITION explains.
There's growing outrage over a disturbing video of former CIA director David Petraeus being heckled on the streets of New York City.
Bill O’Reilly said, “Assaulting an American patriot like Petraeus in the street, I can't imagine.”
Dana Perino on Fox News’ The Five said, “I can't stand those students.”
Petraeus never said a word and just kept walking as he was hounded by student protesters on his first day as a visiting professor at CUNY, the City University of New York.
The students chanted, “Petraeus out of CUNY! Petraeus out of CUNY!”
Anderson Cooper said, “I couldn't believe this video to be honest. I was kind of stunned by this.”
Petraeus is generally regarded as an American hero. Even after resigning last year over his extramarital affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell.
The professor who organized the protest told INSIDE EDITION he doesn't think it went too far.
Professor Sandor John said, “Lots of students at CUNY and faculty members of CUNY are very proud of the students who were courageous.”
But CUNY said in a statement: "It is essential that dialogue within the academic setting always be conducted civilly."