Mother Confronts Her Missing Daughter's Father

A distraught mother found an opportunity to confront the father of their missing child who disappeared two years ago. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

The distraught mom of a beautiful missing child confronted the little girl's father outside a courthouse.

Trista Reynolds says for two long years she has been trying to get answers about the fate of her 20-month-old daughter Ayla. The toddler vanished after a stay at her father's home.

She screamed, "Justin, Justin look at me in the eye!"

He actually sprinted down the street to get away from her.

She shouted, "If you weren't guilty, you wouldn't run."

There were also angry scenes when the mom faced off with the missing toddler's grandmother.

The grandmother said, "I am Ayla's grandmother and I believe she is alive!"

Trista shouted, "I am her mother!"

The grandmother reacted by saying, "If you believe she is alive, then tell us what you did with her!"

The little girl's dad, Justin DiPietro, was in court in Portland, Maine, Thursday, in an unrelated assault case. Trista took the chance to get in his face.

When Trista confronted the little girl's paternal grandmother, the two women traded angry accusations.

Trista said, "Just seeing Justin, it was like Ayla was right there. It was like I was looking at her in the face."

The confrontations brought Trista little peace. She said, “I don't understand why I can't have my baby girl home with me where she belongs.”

Trista's father asked a tearful question about DiPietro, "What did he do with her? Where’d he put her body?"

DiPietro insists he had nothing to do with his daughter's disappearance. No one has been charged. Police say the little girl is presumed dead but an investigation continues amid high emotion.