JFK Artifacts To Be Auctioned Off 50 Years After Assassination

Auctioneer Bobby Livingston gives INSIDE EDITION a preview of the auctioning event that features a slew of Kennedy items that have ties to JFK's legacy. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

It's an extraordinary artifact from one of the darkest days in history—the Texas school book depository window from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy. There is also the part of a picket fence behind which the now-discredited conspiracy theorists claim the "second gunman" hid on the grassy knoll.

They are two of the items in an upcoming auction that coincides with the 50th anniversary of the president's assassination.

There is also the Lincoln convertible that took Kennedy to an air force base at Forth Worth on November 22, 1963, for the ill-fated flight to Dallas, the president's black onyx rosary beads and silver crucifix, and Oswald's marine corps marksmanship book.

Bobby Livingston, of Boston's RR Auction, gave INSIDE EDITION a preview of the event, which includes numerous Jackie Kennedy items. Among the items were her blue-and-white striped swimsuit, two nightgowns she wore, and the gold brocade shoes she wore on her famous 1961 trip to Paris with the President. There is also a tiny seersucker shirt John-John wore as a baby.

Livingston told INSIDE EDITION, "When you have personal possessions like these, it really brings these people back to life."

Remember Walter Cronkite's hearbtreaking TV news bulletin? The auctioneers are selling a transcript of the famous broadcast, autographed by the legendary newsman.

Cronkite was quoted saying, "The flash, apparently official. President John F. Kennedy died at 1 p.m. standard time, 2 o'clock eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago."

There is the original Dallas police homicide report: "Person killed: Kennedy, John F. (President of U.S.) - 11/22/63."

There are several Oswald items, including the first gun the presidential assassin ever owned. It has the name "Lee" roughly etched on it, and there is Oswald's gold wedding ring, bought in the Soviet Union and embossed with the Communist hammer and sickle.

Among the Oswald items, Livingston noted, "The ring he took off and left it in his grandmother's teacup the morning of the assassination."

There is also a vintage TV news camera that was rolling at Dallas police headquarters the moment Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby.

That Texas school book depository window has already drawn online bids of $150,000 dollars, and the car is up to $107,000.