Dan Price, known as the Hobbit Man, divorced his wife, and left his 9-to-5 job in order to become a loner deep within the woods of Oregon. INSIDE EDITION has more.
Meet Dan Price, the man who lives in a hole just like a hobbit. The 56-year-old man lives deep in the woods of Oregon in a hole so small he has to crawl on his hands and knees just to enter his front door.
Twenty years ago, the married father of two left his stressful 9-to-5 job as a photo journalist, divorced his wife, and moved to the woods determined to live off the grid.
Price said, "I always wanted to live like a hobbit and live in a hobbit hole."
He designed the porch for his hobbit home after watching—what else—The Lord of the Rings. At six-feet-tall, Price towered over his home. He can't stand up inside, and he crawls on his knees in order to hang up his clothes.
He hunches over to prepare his bed at night, which during the day he converts into his only chair. In his tiny makeshift kitchen, he eats cereal for breakfast with water, no milk because he doesn't have a refrigerator. For dinner, Price cooks rice which takes hours to warm up on a hotplate.
For Price, clearly living in a hobbit house is priceless.