Judge Rules Michael Skakel Gets New Trial

Bobby Kennedy Jr. is praising a judge's decision to give Kennedy's cousin, Michael Skakel, a new trial for the murder of Martha Moxley in 1975. INSIDE EDITION reports.

On The Today Show, Bobby F. Kennedy Jr. claimed, "Michael Skakel is innocent." He says, “It’s about time” to reveal that his first cousin, Michael Skakel, didn't murder 15-year-old Martha Moxley of the swanky Greenwich, Connecticut, in 1975.

So, if Kennedy is right and Skakel didn't do it, then who did? Kennedy claims he knows.

Kennedy said, "Someone asked me to call a man named Tony Bryant, who is the cousin of basketball player Kobe Bryant. And when I called Tony Bryant, he said to me ‘I've been waiting for this call for 27 years.’ And he told me that he had been there the night that Martha Moxley was killed. And he brought with him, from New York City, two boys who were gangster-type kids."

Kobe Bryant's cousin Tony Bryant was a schoolmate of Skakel, and says he was at Skakel's house the night of the murder with two friends, one of whom was obsessed with Martha Moxley.

Byant stated, "He said he wanted to go caveman on her."

Byant was then asked, "I'm gathering caveman-style is a club and dragging a woman away by the hair?"

He confirmed, "Exactly."

Martha Moxley was bludgeoned to death with a six-iron golf club belonging to Skakel's mother.

However, Bryant's story has been called unreliable.

ABC News Legal Analyst Dan Abrams shared with INSIDE EDITION, “The judge doesn’t seem as disturbed by the Bryant theory and some of the others, as he did by the fact the defense did not at least ask questions about Michael Skakel’s own brother, Tommy.”

Yesterday, a Connecticut judge ordered a new trial for Skakel, saying his celebrity attorney, Mickey Sherman, failed to give him an adequate defense.

In a recent court hearing, Skakel denounced Sherman as a publicity hound. Skakel spoke about Sherman on stand, "He said he was a media whore."

Sherman has appeared on many shows over the years as a legal expert, including INSIDE EDITION.

Connecticut lawyer Michael A. Fitzpatrick reviewed the trial transcripts on behalf of Skakel. He said, “What the record in the case shows is that, in some very fundamental areas, Mickey Sherman appears to have been unprepared.”

Sherman did not comment except to say, "I hope they do give [Skakel] bail and he gets out as soon as possible. I wish him the best and have always believed in his innocence."

Martha Moxley's 81-year-old mother Dorothy says the court ruling does nothing to change her mind that Skakel is guilty. She once conveyed on CNN, "I do believe Michael Skakel killed my daughter. I don't believe there's any doubt in that."

Will Skakel ever be retried? According to Abrams, “It is likely he would be retried. And there is still quite a bit of evidence against Michael Skakel that he’s going to have to address.”