Dramatic Confrontation Over The Man Who Claims To Be Michael Jackson's Son

Following the bombshell claim that singer Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson’s secret son, another man has come forward saying he’s the biological father. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

It was a dramatic confrontation between Alki David, the billionaire who claims that up-and-coming singer Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson’s secret love child, and Augie Johnson, the man who says he, not Michael Jackson, is the real father.

They met for the first time at INSIDE EDITION’s Los Angeles studio on Monday.

David said, “What you are doing has nothing to do with the love of your son. It has to do with money.”

Johnson said, “That's what you say! Don't put words in my mouth.”

Billionaire Alki David arranged for Brandon Howard to have a DNA test and claims those tests prove the late King of Pop is Brandon Howard’s father.

“Brandon Howard looks and sounds like Michael Jackson, the talent and in every way has the essence of Michael Jackson,” said David.

The dramatic announcement was made last week on a video streaming service called FilmOn.com that's owned by the billionaire. The claim made headlines around the world.

But, Augie Johnson says he is Brandon Howard’s father and the DNA tests are bogus.

When they met on Monday, Alki David hit him with another devastating claim, “I wasn't off the phone with Brandon and he says unequivocally, he is not your son.”
Alki David says he's willing to have the DNA independently tested by a news organization.  

He said, “Brandon Howard is Michael Jackson’s son. That is, in my mind, the truth.”

Brandon's mom is Miki Howard, a gospel singer who was once managed by Michael’s father, Joe Jackson. Brandon does bear a resemblance to Michael Jackson and even sounds like Michael.

Brandon's mom said in a 2010 interview that their families were close, saying, “I can tell you story, after story, after story, of what that man did for me.”

Some published reports say that Brandon’s real dad is Joe Jackson.

But Augie Johnson says there's no mystery about who is the father, saying, “In my heart, he's my son.”