Depressing! Super Bowl Ads Bring Viewers Down

The Super Bowl commercials are the best part of the game for some, but many of this year’s ads were pretty grim. INSIDE EDITION takes a look.

It's the commercial that shocked millions of people watching the Super Bowl.

A young boy spoke about all the milestones he'll miss because he died.

"I couldn't grow up because I died from an accident," said the child in the ad.

Social media went crazy, and asked why Nationwide Insurance would run such a dark ad during America's biggest party.

INSIDE EDITION viewers weighed in. Krissy Chula said, "That Nationwide commercial; oh my God. 'I can't play or do anything fun like children do because I'm dead.'"

Helen Little said, "It was icky coming from an insurance company. 'Buy my product so your kids don't die,' I didn't like it at all."

The reaction was so blistering, Nationwide issued a statement, saying, "The sole purpose of this message was to start a conversation, not sell insurance. While some did not care for the ad, we hope it served to begin a dialogue to make safe happen for children everywhere."

The Nationwide ad was part of a trend toward more serious commercials during this year's Super Bowl.

Adweek's Emma Bazilian told INSIDE EDITION, "There was definitely a lot less of the sex and women and cars that we're used to seeing and I think people did not respond well to that in recent years and wanted something a little more heartfelt."

Hear More From Bazillian.

The most surprising Super Bowl commercial came from Loctite, a 52-year-old glue company that's barely known outside its homebase in Ohio.

The company rolled the dice, and spent its entire ad budget for the year, $4.5 million, on this one 30-second Super Bowl spot.

Jeff Kling produced the ad. INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent interviewed him, asking, "The Super Bowl is the most expensive place to advertise in the world, how is this glue company going to make their money back?"

King responded, "Their issue is not one of making money back, their issue is one of name recognition and I think they're happy with the results."