The kids had nothing to do with it, but that isn’t making a lot of little broken hearts feel any better now that the Little League organization has stripped the champions of their title. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
The Little League baseball story that charmed America is now a national scandal.
The team of Little Leaguer's from Chicago's struggling South Side that won the U.S. Championship seven months ago has been stripped of it's title for cheating!
"The heartwarming summer story turns into a Little League scandal," ESPN reported.
The kids, ages 11 to 13, did nothing wrong, but the adults who run the team are accused of violating residency rules, creating a "super team" by stacking the lineup with all-star ringers who actually live in the Chicago suburbs.
INSIDE EDITION's Les Trent spoke to Vaneesa Green, the mother of one alleged ringer, Brandon Green.
Trent asked her, "What was your reaction when you heard that the team was losing their title and trophy?"
She replied, "This is a total shock to us because Brandon has played in other Little Leagues before, and this has never been a question about us needing to live in a particular area."
The team captured everyone's hearts with its hard scrabble story of triumph in the face of inner-city struggle. They visited the White House in November and met President Obama and the first lady.
Brandon's mother continued, "Do you want to destroy their self-esteem and their self-worth at age 13 with this?"
Little League officials say the Las Vegas team defeated in the final game seven to five will now be crowned new National Champions.
Les Trent caught up with Las Vegas player Drew Laspaluto, his Dad, and the team's President.
"I feel sorry for them on every level. This is devastating for them. It's bittersweet that we got this this way," Drew's father told INSIDE EDITION.
America's reaction to the Little League scandal? Say it ain't so.