Harrison Ford Saved This Former Boy Scout's Life With His Helicopter

"I will always be thankful for all that he has done for me."

A smiling Calista Flockhart visited husband Harrison Ford in the hospital where he's recovering from that devastating plane crash on a California golf course.

Some are saying Ford is being permanently grounded by his wife.

Julie Chen said on The Talk, "Harrison's wife, Calista Flockhart, is said to be devastated and reportedly wants Ford to quit flying for good."

Incredibly, the 72-year-old Indiana Jones star may be released from the hospital as early as next week.

His son, Ben Ford, sent the message: "Dad has the best care possible, on the mend and of strong mind, body and spirit."

Actress Carrie Fisher sent a playful message to her Star Wars co-star: "I know you have incredible bounce back, please take a bounce break for a while. Can I drive next time?"

Ford had just taken off from Santa Monica Airport when his engine died. He attempted to fly back but couldn't make it and crashed his vintage World War II plane on the eighth hole fairway of a nearby golf course.

Meanwhile, a young man who owes his life to Harrison Ford is sending him his best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Cody Clawson was a 13-year-old boy scout in 2001 when he got lost hiking near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and spent the night shivering in a cave.

He told INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander, "I had just spent 18-and-a-half hours lost."

He'd just about given up hope when he saw a helicopter flying overhead which was piloted by Harrison Ford!

Alexander asked, "What did Harrison Ford say to you?"

Clawson replied, "The first thing he said to me was 'Good morning.' The only other thing I remember him saying was 'Well, you should earn a merit badge after this.' I did not get an autograph, but I did get a handshake and a hug. I will always be thankful for all that he has done for me."