Did The Best Man Stab The Bride Over Political Embezzlement?

Jon Broyhill's trial is playing out like a crime novel.

Jon Broyhill was the best man when his good buddy, Nation Hahn, got married. Now, Broyhill is on trial for stabbing the 29-year-old bride to death.

Reporter Amanda Lamb is covering the trial for WRAL-TV in Raleigh, North Carolina.

She told INSIDE EDITION, "The three of them by all accounts were best friends. They hung out together. They traveled together, they were such good friends people thought they lived together."

The trial is getting lots of attention because the victim, Jamie Kirk, was a well-known fundraiser in political circles.

Lamb said, "She just was somebody that everybody thought was an up-and-comer, a bright light, a kind person. Somebody that really touched a lot of people's lives."

Former presidential candidate Jon Edwards attended her funeral. His daughter, Cate Edwards, was friends with the victim, tweeting: “Jamie was a beautiful person beloved by so many of us.”

Sending my thoughts & prayers of peace to @NationHahn & family. Jamie was a beautiful person beloved by so many of us.

— Cate Edwards (@Cate_Edwards) April 24, 2013

What led to the murder?

Prosecutors say the bride hired her husband's best man to work for her at her political consulting firm. But prosecutors believe there was a serious falling out after she confronted him at her house and accused him of embezzling $45,000 from a congressional campaign.

Jamie's husband, Nation Hahn, took the stand and said he was in his bedroom on the second floor changing into gym clothes.  

Nation said at the trial, "I was halfway down the stairs when she screamed out, 'He's trying to kill me!' I looked over and I saw John standing over her with a knife. He immediately turned and proceeded towards me." 

In the 911 call, neighbors could be heard trying to save Jamie’s life.

A neighbor told the operator, “There's a lady bleeding terribly. Somebody stabbed her and she's bleeding so badly."

Jamie died two days later from her stab wounds to the abdomen.   

Nation Hahn spoke at her funeral with his wounds still evident. He said, "Thank you to the family, the friends, and the community that has helped us this week. I could not have faced this unspeakable tragedy without you."

The defense is claiming that Jamie Kirk's killing was not premeditated and that Broyhill wanted to only kill himself, but mentally unraveled and "snapped."

Amanda Lamb said, "I think at the end of the day, the big question everyone has is 'Why?' I am not sure we will ever have the answer to that."