
Authorities Reportedly Shut Down Nearly 300 Person Wedding as COVID-19 Cases Rise in State

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The shut down came among several coronavirus hot spots popping up in the state, including in Brooklyn and Rockland County.

Although gatherings in New York are currently limited to 50 people due to the coronavirus pandemic, a couple decided to have their nearly 300-guest wedding anyway, according to authorities.

The New York City Sheriff’s Office said they shut down a gathering at a wedding venue in Woodside, Queens on Friday around 11:30 p.m, according to a report. Authorities said there were 284 people at the party, and food and alcohol were served. A live band was also present.

Police said the wedding hall owner and manager were charged with multiple offenses for allegedly violating the state’s COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.

The shut down came as several coronavirus hot spots popped up in the state, including in Brooklyn and Rockland County. At least 20 zip codes are registering positive rates of more than 10%, according to city officials. On Sunday, the state recorded a 1.5% positive testing rate.

“We need to get to the bottom of these clusters,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said over the weekend.

Many of the zip codes where the sharp upticks are happening show an overlap with Orthodox Jewish communities, officials said. 

Cuomo added that if numbers continue to increase, there will be new limitations placed on gatherings.