Barack Obama Reflects on 20-Year Anniversary of 9/11: ‘Let’s Never Forget’

Former US President Barack Obama arrives to address Biden-Harris supporters during a drive-in rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020
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In his statement, the former president shined a light on the hero firefighters, volunteers who assisted during and after the initial attack, and passengers who stormed the cockpits on their flights.

Former President Barack Obama has released a formal statement to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

“Today we honor the nearly 3,000 men, women, and children who died on September 11, 2001, and even more who lost their lives in service to our country in the two decades since,” he wrote on social media.

He said that this anniversary honors those lost and reflects on what‘s been learned in the last 20 years.

“That list of lessons is long and growing. But one thing that became clear on 9/11 – and has been clear ever since – is that America has always been home to heroes who run towards danger in order to do what is right.”

The former president shined a light on the hero firefighters, volunteers who assisted during and after the initial attack, and passengers who stormed the cockpits on their flights.

“Over the last 20 years, we’ve seen the same courage and selflessness on display again and again. We saw it a decade ago when, after years of persistence, our military brought justice to Osama bin Laden," he said.

Obama also brings attention to America’s first responders, service members, and health care workers who are currently putting their lives at risk every day.

“And we’re seeing it today,” he notes “in the doctors and nurses, bone tired, doing what they can to save lives; the service members, some of whom weren’t even born 20 years ago, putting themselves at risk to save Americans and help refugees find a better life; the first responders battling roaring fires and rising waters to bring families to safety. They represent what is best in America, and what can and should bring us together.”

“9/11 reminded us how so many Americans give of themselves in extraordinary ways – not just in moments of great crisis, but every single day. Let’s never forget that, and let’s never take them for granted.”

Three of the four U.S. leaders of the post-9/11 era, Barack Obama, President Biden, and George W. Bush, are scheduled to visit all three sites of the attacks today, according to CNN

Donald Trump made a surprise appearance and visited with New York City police and firemen early this morning. While there, the former president shook hands, signed autographs, and posed for photos, according to the New York Post. 

"I’ve been given so much support by the people who do what you do," he said during his visit. "We love the blue. I’ll say it loud. You know, you’re not supposed to say that. We love the blue.”

Trump is also set to announce a boxing match later on this evening. 

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