
Billie Eilish Reveals New Look on Cover of Vogue and Stands Up to Abusers

Billie reveals in the British Vogue article that she’s been taken advantage of. She also sings about it in her new single, “Your Power.”

Billie Eilish has been very vocal about why she previously chose to dress in baggy clothes. Fans got accustomed to the neon hair and oversized outfits that defined the pop star’s image. But recently revealed is Billie Eilish like we’ve never seen before.

The 19-year-old Grammy winner shed her old image in her June British Vogue cover shoot. In the magazine, she displays her stunning new look, inspired by 1950’s pin-ups like Betty Brosmer.

In the interview, Eilish discusses her transformation from a teen pop star into adulthood, women claiming their power and shaping their own narrative, and how she’s standing up to confront mostly male abusers who exploit underage girls.

Billie reveals in the article that she’s been taken advantage of. She also sings about it in her newest single, “Your Power.” While she doesn’t go into details, she does note that it wasn’t by anyone in the music industry.

She says in Vogue, “Girls that were very confident and strong-willed finding themselves in situations where they’re like, ‘Oh my god, I’m the victim here?’ And it’s so embarrassing and humiliating and demoralising to be in that position of thinking you know so much and then you realise, I’m being abused right now.”

While acknowledging the criticism she may receive for sharing that information at the same as her new look, Billie mimics critics and says, “You’re going to complain about being taken advantage of as a minor, but then you’re going to show your boobs?" And her response? “Yes, I am, mother—r! I’m going to because there’s no excuse.”

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