'Borat' Dupes Georgia Cotillion Participants for Upcoming Sequel

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is back as his iconic character Borat, and he’s in total shock mode. Once again, Cohen went undercover and mocked everyone in his path.

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is back as his iconic character Borat, and he’s in total shock mode. Once again, Cohen went undercover and mocked everyone in his path.

This time, he targeted the old-fashion cotillion ball, where young women take etiquette classes and learn how to formally dance. Borat and the actress playing his daughter dropped in on a cotillion ball in Georgia. As expected, it was jaw-dropping and raunchy — in one moment, the actress pulled up her dress to reveal she wasn’t wearing underwear.

“Nobody had a clue we were being pranked,” said local newspaper publisher Will Davis. He said he and his 18-year-old daughter Abby now realized they were duped.

Davis told Inside Edition he and the other people thought it was a film about a cotillion and the guest of honor would be a father and daughter from Eastern Europe.

"When she lifted her skirt everybody was horrified,” Davis said, adding that the organizers of the event felt like they had been used. Davis said he plans to watch the film when it comes out.