Boys, 12 and 14, Allegedly Try to Steal Pizza Man's Car, but Can't Drive Stick Shift

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It's not clear who ordered the pizza.

An alleged plan by two Florida children to steal a Domino’s pizza delivery driver’s car was foiled when they realized it was a stick shift.

The boys, ages 12 and 14, attempted to steal a Domino's pizza delivery driver’s car, the Miami Herald reported.

The boys attempted their plan last Friday after a Domino’s delivery driver, Issac Javier Ortez, was bringing a pie to Garcia’s neighbor, the station reported.

It is not clear whether the boys ordered the pizza to their neighbor’s home, but the neighbor denied ordering one.

Ortez then said he heard his car's engine revving and turned to see two boys with their faces covered attempting to flee.

The boys were able to reverse the car but allegedly gave up and ran.

"They look like little kids," Ortez told the station. "I say they look like babies."

The pair was later arrested for "grand theft auto and possession of burglary tools."

This is not the first time one of the boys attempted to steal a car, reports said.

In November, he was cited for driving his mother's car without a license and without headlights on.