
California Man Recovers His Stolen Car With Apple AirTag Tracking Device

Though Robert Pendergrast was able to get his truck back, authorities warn of the potential danger of taking a matter like this in your own hands.

Dramatic video shows a man in hot pursuit of his stolen vehicle in San Jose, California.

It started when Robert Pendergrast saw a neighbor's surveillance video of the thief pulling off in his burgundy pickup truck. Luckily, there was an Apple AirTag in the center console, showing the exact location of the truck in real time.

Minutes later, Pendergrast was chasing the car. “I was on a 30-minute chase with this guy,” he said.

Pendergrast got on the phone and gave a deputy sheriff a running blow-by-blow account.

“He's f******* blowing down the f****** road right now, man!” he said.

At one point, the stolen truck whizzed right past him. Video shows Pendergrast making an abrupt U-turn. The alleged thief then realized he was being chased and tried to lose his pursuer.

“When he realizes he just was not getting me to disappear, he pulled over and jumped and ran into this hotel lodge kind of thing and ran in between the building,” Pendergrast said.

Fortunately, it all worked out, with Pendergrast's truck back at home where it belongs, but authorities warn of the potential danger of taking a matter like this in your own hands.

“I just can't believe how good that device helped me out,” Pendergrast said.

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