Calls Growing for Jussie Smollett to Admit He Staged Attack After Guilty Verdict

Jussie Smollett

Jussie Smollett reportedly appeared stoic as he was found guilty on five of six counts of disorderly conduct for lying to police about being attacked in a racist and homophobic attack in January 2019. 

Calls are growing for Jussie Smollett to “come clean” after being convicted on five of six counts of disorderly conduct for lying to police about being the victim of a racist and homophobic attack.

The actor has long-maintained his innocence, insisting he did not orchestrate the January 2019 attack in downtown Chicago.

Attorney Gloria Rodriguez represents the two brothers Smollett was accused of paying to stage the assault.

“To Mr. Smollett, people will forgive you. It is time to cut the act. Just come clean,” Rodriguez said following the verdict.

The call was echoed by Sunny Hostin on “The View,” who said she would like Smollett to show “complete contrition and penance” and for him to say he lied when he goes before the sentencing judge.

Special prosecutor Dan Webb denounced Smollett's testimony.

“For Mr. Smollett to get in front of them and lie for hours and hours and hours, that really compounded his misconduct. Defendants do not have the right to go in front of a jury and lie under oath,” Webb said.

Smollett’s attorney denied the accusations, telling Inside Edition, “There’s nothing to come clean when you’re not guilty of anything. Many verdicts have been overturned on appeal. Let’s exhaust all of that first before we start counting all our eggs in a basket.”

Smollett reportedly appeared stoic in court as he was found guilty of the charges on Thursday afternoon.

The verdict came down after the Cook County jury, a panel of six men and six women, deliberated for more than nine hours over Wednesday and into Thursday, The Chicago Tribune reported

Testimony in the case began late last month. Thirteen witnesses took the stand in the trial of the former “Empire” star.

Smollett, 39, could face up to three years in prison. He has no prior criminal record and is expected to receive a lighter sentence than the maximum, including possible probation, the Tribune wrote. 

The jury began deliberations after hearing lengthy closing arguments on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Smollett was surrounded by family members, including his mother, brother Jojo and sister Jurnee as he arrived back at the courthouse Tuesday to face a withering cross examination.

Smollett denied the testimony of two brothers, Abel and Bola Osundairo, who claim Smollett paid them $3,500 to stage a fake attack in his downtown Chicago neighborhood.

On the stand, the prosecutor asked Smollett why he didn't recognize the brothers’ voices during the alleged attack, even though they were friends and his personal trainers.

“In that moment, I’m not going to stop and say, ‘Hey Bola, is that you?’ It was an attack. It happened fast,” Smollett said. “They’re liars. They said I had something to do with it, and that’s not true. I’m on trial for an attack I didn’t do.”

He was also challenged over his claim that the alleged attackers were white.

“Did you say ‘white’ to get more attention?” a prosecutor asked.

“You’d have to ask someone who actually did a fake hate crime,” Smollett answered.

When police arrived at Smollett’s apartment after he reported the attack, he was wearing a noose he claimed the attackers placed on him.  

The two brothers were caught on surveillance camera buying gloves, two ski masks, a red hat and other items, which they paid for in cash. Smollett admitted he did pay the brothers $3,500, but testified it was for services to help him get in shape for a video.

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