Caring for Your Mental Health Amid Pandemic Burnout

Inside Edition teamed up with GoodRx and its Medical Director, Dr. Preeti Parikh, for tips on how to take care of your mental health.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a serious toll on people’s mental health. If you feel burnt out or more stressed than usual, you’re not alone. 

Inside Edition teamed up with GoodRx and its Medical Director, Dr. Preeti Parikh, for tips on how to take care of your mental health. She says exercising every day is important, as is finding time to see friends and family. 


“Start off small — just going for a walk — and build from there. If you can build up your exercise routine to 150 minutes a week of aerobic activity, there’s a lot of data and research that shows it approves your mood, and just overall your mental health is at a better place,” Parikh said.

She also says it’s important to reconnect with family and friends “in a safe way.”

“It’s shown that those connections and those nurturing moments really help improve your mental well-being and your happiness,” Parikh said.

GoodRx is a great resource that provides trusted information and clear guidance on symptoms, conditions and how to form the best healthcare team. 

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