Columbine Survivor Remembers Shooting 20 Years Later: Today on Inside Edition

Patrick Ireland was just 17 when he was caught on camera climbing out of his school's window into the hands of SWAT team members.

A survivor of the devastating Columbine High School shooting talks about regaining his strength after the massacre on today's Inside Edition.

Patrick Ireland was just 17 when he was caught on camera climbing out of his school's window and into the hands of SWAT team members. See what else he had to say about that day and his life since.

Smoke is still rising from the ashes at Notre Dame. Could a fire like that tear through an American cathedral? A retired New York fire official weighs in.

Are British tabloids upset with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? Find out why outlets are reportedly frustrated with the expectant parents.

A 22-year pilot was arrested after standing naked at his airport hotel window. Hear his defense.

For more Inside Edition stories, tune in to today's show. Check here for local listings.


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