Comedian John Melendez Claims He Reached President Trump While Posing as Senator

Melendez, better known as "Stuttering John" on the radio, says he got a call back from Jared Kushner and was connected to the president himself after saying he was the similar-named Sen. Bob Menendez.

Did comedian John Melendez, aka "Stuttering John," really prank the president

Melendez recently posed as a U.S. senator and actually got through to President Trump as the commander in chief was flying back to Washington from a rally in North Dakota aboard Air Force One this week. 

After calling the White House, Melendez said he got a call from Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who was with the president on Air Force One.

"Jared calls me: 'Hey, I just wanna say Donald is in a meeting now, do you want me to pull him out or do you want to wait?' I was like, 'No, no, no.' I am going in and out of my English accent. 'Just wait and have him call me back,'" Melendez claimed to Inside Edition. 

He says he pulled off the prank by telling The White House operator he was New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez, who was acquitted of corruption charges earlier this year.  

In the audio recording, the man who sounds just like the president congratulated the comic "on a job well done," and added that "we can do a real immigration bill."

“He starts congratulating me on I don’t know what," Melendez recalled. "I don’t know that 'I' just got out of a fraud case."

Inside Edition called The White House to confirm that it really was Trump talking to Melendez on the recorded call, but administration officials had no comment.

"You heard it! There is no way it is not Donald Trump!" Melendez said. "I have the phone call coming from Air Force One, I have the number. I have Air Force One’s number!"

Melendez, formerly of the Howard Stern radio show, says he doesn’t think his phony call was off base. 

"I don’t think I went too far because I didn’t insult him," he said. "Knowing Donald, I don’t think some of those people are going to be working there much longer because if this is their screening process, it is pretty lame."

Melendez says no one was more surprised than he was to get through.



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